P.S. to The Mama Chair --- Here are some snapshots from our family album that date about the same time my Mommy's chair came to our house -- some ancient pictures of happy occasions.
Usually Daddy dressed in khaki work clothes and Mom in a house dress. Regular everyday playclothes for me consisted of a little T-shirt and a pair of overalls --- So here I am, about 14 months old, looking like a little boy with a dolly. But all dressed up in a little girlie dress and bonnet, I am still making pretty funny faces.
Daddy always wore a hat when he went out, whether he was dressed up or going to work, so you can see the shadow of the hat above his tanned face. Mom & Daddy loved us kids, and since I am the only little kiddie in the family on this occasion, they are taking turns playing photographer on this summer afternoon.

One of the few photos I could find of Mom's little rose-colored armchair is from a family reunion at our home a couple of years later just before we moved. Daddy's brother Bob and his wife Lorraine pose for the photographer.
Interesting, isn't it, how furnishings recede to background of activities and relationships, yet they are reminders of things we did and feelings we felt.
Mommy's snuggly chair brings to me the cozy, happy, quiet feelings I had when I was a little girl.
Again, what a great blessing that Wayne fixed it up so we can enjoy it for many, many more years!!!