This past week has been an interesting one: had all sorts of things going, but the biggy was the 2008 Presidential Election on Tuesday where I serve as poll supervisor. Our election machines had to be set up by 7 a.m., so we were there at 5:45 to be sure they were up and running for the first voters. One fellow who came about 6:30. Chris told him we'd be open at 7. (We have had some people come and think they should vote right then because they were there.)The fellow said he didn't mind waiting, but he had always been the first voter in our precinct for the presidential election for I don't know how long. So he sat and waited so he could be first once more! Afterwards he told me he was 89 years old!
Right: Friends Leslie Gordon & Chris Kirkpatrick, dandy company for an all-day job!
Great people in Elsinore. I am impressed every time we do this sort of thing how kind and congenial they are, visiting with each other and not seeming to mind if they have to wait a little bit. We did have a line a couple of times during the day, and we were busy enough that I didn't have time to think about the book I brought in case business was slow.
Our polling place is the big, old town recreation hall, about 45 S. Center, which was built in the 1940's by the CCC (Civil Conservation Corps). The kids used to roller skate there, and every year they have a Halloween party and a town Christmas party, complete with the kids dancing the hokey-pokey ju
st before Santa comes.
So the election is over for another year. One kid commented that I had been there ever since he could remember, and I guess I started registering voters in our home years ago when Calvin Rampton stepped down from being governor. I enjoy the experience, serving the community and getting to see folks that I don't see any other time.
My polling place was at my school, which was quite convenient for me. Those people do seem to be so nice when you come to vote. Never even seen anything resembling a crusty look or grouchy word. Looks like you all kept quite you were exhausted the next day though!
I love it! I love that you are carrying on the tradition! Remember when Mom used to do that and would be there counting vote half the night? I did that way back in the 70s in Baker! I love the automated voting! I love early voting as well... I voted before I left town for CA. You look so happy.
Love you,
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