Monday, June 1, 2009

Sunny California -- May 27-30, 2009

We had a memorial service for Aunt Laura's husband Don Seavey on Friday, May 29th. About 35 people were there to support Laura and her sons, including her two brothers and sisters, friends and neighbors, and five drivers from the San Diego transit system. The bus drivers knew the Seaveys, liked them and looked forward to seeing them during their runs.

Laura and son Lonnie.

One of the drivers told a fun story about Lonnie at a time when McDonald's had a 12-cent hamburger deal on Tuesdays. Lonnie and the driver went every Tuesday for their hamburger treats, until one day when the bus driver found the whole family waiting, ready to go the McDonald's . . . Don, Laura, Lonnie, Aaron, Wendy & Holly. He knew them all by name.

Picture: Cousin Tom & wife Joann, the McDonald's bus driver, 2 ward members, Bonnie the bus driver.

Family picture: Brothers & Sisters -- Laura, Wayne, Lyne, Jim, Bonnie.

Wish I had more pictures. This last week I've expended more elbow-grease than picture-clicking, but it was necessary. We washed walls, Jim re-did ceilings, then we painted in the kitchen, living room and hallway. Glad we had the opportunity to help out. Good to be with family.


Sarah E Boucher said...

Sounds like dad wore himself right out! But I'm glad you could go and help out. I hope they continue to do well. And we will have to play play PLAY to make up for the busy-ness of your "vacation."

Joanie said...

I enjoyed reading this post but mostly because I'd heard the story in depth on the phone last night. What a special memorial service.

I'm so glad you could all go down and help Laura out.