A small town, population 850.
A community school, established 1896. Hardworking, good neighbors who help each other.
An annual tribute at the Town Cemetery, sponsored by the American Legion, honoring those who have served in the Armed Forces over these many years.
Wayne & I have made a point to be at the cemetery, 8:00 a.m. on Memorial Day, to enjoy stories of our pioneer neighbors and spend a little quiet time honoring our community and nation. Fresh country air, American flags flying, "new" sunshine, the veterans' dignified honor to our Flag as they post it and salute. Wonderful!
A bugler accompanied the flag-raising with To the Colors. His clear tones through the trees and in the quietness of the morning air foster thoughts of patriotism and Country.
The American Legion also performs a service-ceremony, retiring used and old American flags from s
ervice. All veterans and
uniformed Scouts are invited to participate, our friends and neighbors, young and old.
One of our neighbors served in WWII in the South Pacific. Every Memorial Day, many of his 10 children, spouses and grandchildren come home to share this choice occasion with their Dad.
And when the speaking and ceremonies are all over, the bugler plays Taps as the vets and scouts salute and stand at attention.

So this year [guess this shows how old we are getting], instead of asking an Old Timer to talk about the early years in Elsinore, one of our boys' very good friends was asked to speak, Master Sgt. Shane Peterson, Utah National Guard.
So this year [guess this shows how old we are getting], instead of asking an Old Timer to talk about the early years in Elsinore, one of our boys' very good friends was asked to speak, Master Sgt. Shane Peterson, Utah National Guard.
Dig, as the kids call him, has been in the Guard for about 20 years now, served a tour in the Middle East, and is now working fulltime for the Guard.
Dig spoke about extending the blessings of freedom to all peoples: He is willing to serve to do that.
Cannot say enough good about Dig: he has been such a good friend to us all over the years, so strong and steady doing many good things.
What a great blessing it is to have such neighbors and
friends! We watched the older men whom we see every week at church, performing their duties. And we saw our Scoutie boys, diligent and sober in honoring their country and flag.
What a privilege it is to pay tribute to our wonderful nation and those who serve in her Armed Forces.
Our dear friends, Shane & Staci.
It is always a nice little program...and hey, I've always liked our little town. :)
What a wonderful tradition. I'm so glad that you've had the blessing of living there so long. I always enjoy visiting you in your sweet little Elsinore.
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