I didn't used to enjoy Easter much when the kids were growing up: too much lying about an Easter bunny who was a commercial replacement for the Savior. ---
But in this choice season of renewal, the New Life of spring restores my soul, and of late, we have enjoyed vacationing visitors who come for the long weekend. We love to have them fill our empty bedrooms, eat our food, sit by the fireplace with us if it is chilly, and go on those spring hikes that are so wonderful this time of the year.
SO --- This year, Sarie came, all tired out from her job and needing a break, AND Joe & Jen brought Jace for a visit, on their way to an annual family party in Kanosh with Jen's family.
Joe, Jen & Jace's first family portrait -- April 2009
So good to have them home!
It's always fun when Joe & Jen come -- They like to play crazy games, and we have a blast!
Little Jace settled right in. Aunt Sarie , a.k.a. his favorite aunt (according to her) and Jace "hung out" while the rest of us played our game.
Lots of Loving Care in that "hanging out" stuff!! It was fun to watch.
And when Sarie comes, we always go for a hike, this time in on the trail near Big Rock Candy Mountain.
Wayne & Sarah rest on a culvert next to the trail, which has been built atop the old Marysvale Canyon railroad grade. It was a chilly day, and a blustery little rain cloud chased us down the canyon, not moisturizing us until we got to the car, then the storm came.
And last of all, Miss Sarie did her own tour of the yard, looking at our spring flowers that are beginning to brighten the yard a bit. 
In the newly emerging springtime, having a new little grandbaby boy along with some returning Kids home makes me think of other sweet reunions with loved ones at some future time, all because of our Savior's gift to each and all of us! What a priceless, delightful treasure He gave!
Thanks for coming, dear ones!!
It was fun mummy! I keep thinking I want to escape all the time now...but there are no more long weekends until Memorial Day... :( But at least we'll see each other this weekend, eh?
We did have a grand ol' time! It is always fun to come and visit. We don't do it enough. -- and we are ALWAYS up for games! Have you found the ones Joe hid yet? :) {{{SHHH they are shoved under the blankets. Don't tell him I told you!}}}
Annie, what a beautiful post. I love your thoughts. And you know what Sarah?... you are the favorite Auntie (it's a tough job but WE have to do it!
Great photo of Sarah and Wayne, I love the perspective.
Love you,
Hey, Jen, we did find the games. I think they need to be thrown away, but haven't done it yet!!!
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