Last time we went to Vernal was last January, when Dave and Niki moved over there. We haven't had the chance to visit since then, nor have they been able to come here, so we have been missing them. This past week, we took a couple of days to go, ironically, again in January. [Joanie tells me that the words Vernal and January should never occur in the same sentence!] But the weather wasn't as cold this time [about 25 degrees warmer] and we didn't have to wrestle household furnishings out of a truck and into a house or storage unit!! .JPG)
Right: Lulu & friend Mandi
The view from the top of the world, the pass between Price and Duschesne. A winding road brings you to the top and then the view opens up!
Instead, we got to visit!! And I must say, computers are wonderful for family sharing pictures in a size that everyone can enjoy -- makes them screen-sized, not 3x5 or 4x6 -- and you can visit and share stories at the same time as you are looking!
But, one of the funniest things happened while we were sitting in the living room Friday afternoon, trying to scare up energy to have a guided tour of Vernal: all four of us dozed off and we enjoyed parallel naps!! Now, I have heard of parallel play with toddlers, but not parallel snoozing!! Made me chuckle. Guess we all needed it! Good visit with the kids! Good rest!! Nice trip!
Right: Lulu & friend Mandi
The Castle Gate power plant is in the canyon near Helper, and the road drives right under the coal chute that feeds the plant, one of my favorite parts of the scenery. Makes me feel as though I am right in the middle of things and need to be careful not to get in the way of a man trying to get his job done.
So glad you went to visit them...they are just so far away again! I hope they are all doing well, happy and safe and together. That's the important stuff. It's a bit of an odd area, but no different from Sevier County, things to see and do, but very quiet in general. Sounds like you had a lovely time.
Oh, Annie, I was so excited to see that you had posts today! I've missed your posts! Lovely photos of Dave, Nikki and Lulu... they certainly are beautiful women! Love your scenery shots too.
Love you.
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