Friday, December 26, 2008

Palm Tree, O Palm Tree

A panic call to Joanie's quilting hot line: "How do I make a palm tree pincushion?? Jake would like one for Cody for Christmas."

"Wel-l-l-l-l, I don't do three-dimentional quilting . . . But check out pincushions on Google . . ."
So this is what I came up with, after some thinking and head-scratching and digging through my material. Turned out kinda cute, if I do say so myself!!
Thanks for a great idea, Jake!

Merry Christmas, Cody!!!


Joanie said...

Hey, I gave you more help than that after the first "I don't do 3-D quilting." This turned out great!!! I love it. It looks so professional (but I didn't expect anything less from my dolly-making-artistic-big-sister!)
Love you,

Sarah E Boucher said...

It was crazy cute! Did you really find something like that on the internet? I almost looked up roasting chestnuts on the internet, but I was elbow deep in breakfast by then and they'd been smacked on the stove already. But let it be known I was nervous, which is why I never ever lifted the pan to see them. Not even once. But your sewing always turns out nice. Keep in mind though, that I never ask you to do anything too weird. And I usually have a plan. And I help.

Cody said...

I love it! Thanks for the palm christmas tree pin cushion. I'm anxious to get sewing and start learning!