So, my sister Joanie shared some pictures from her childhood several months ago, and among them was one taken in our driveway: our branch president Bro. Sims, myself, Sue and Joanie. My lands, she is so tiny, about 3. I know she was 3 once, I just can't remember that she was ever that small!

More recently, I came across pictures of Sue & me, ages 5 and 3, and we are the same size chipmunks and Joanie was in that other picture! We were little, compared to the Badley kids who were visiting at the time. The kicker is that I can never remember feeling small. I always
felt BIG!

When we were babies, in fact, Mom would say, "Look at that. . . just as big as anybody!" Well, in my case at least, I was a little wild indian, hollering and running around all over the place --- that's what my Auntie Frank said when she came to visit just after we moved from the Bay Area in 1946: "My goodness, they're raising a couple of little wild indians up there!"

So here you have it: Little wild indians, who do not feel or sound little. When we would be in this frame of action, Mom would say, "Go outside and blow the stink off!" probably because our little house could not contain all that noise and energy!!
An aside or two:
1. Notice that Mom braided our hair. That was the only way to keep it neat for any length of time!
2. With a Dad who came from Texas, wild indians were cool, not politically incorrect!